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1st Anniversary of the Rotary Bakewell Repair Café

A year since launching the first Repair Café in town, Bakewell Rotary had another fantastic grass roots level interaction of the club serving the local community on Saturday 28th September at the Methodist Church Hall. President John Craike and his wife Sally led the club team, pitching in with the work and the whole event felt extremely positive.

People increasingly realise that getting a fix here is worth saving goodness knows how much at the hands of paid professionals!

It was mainly local people with a few from the Matlock/Darley Dale way, but with quite a few repeat visitors. We took in 27 items of which 5 were taken away with unsuccessful repairs. Our volunteers were able to send home quite a few happy folk with vacuum cleaners, lamps, sewing machines and hedge cutters. This Cafe also saw a much beloved guitar amplifier, hairdryer and nail gun all repaired - and one owner even whooped with joy! Diane had a quieter day in textiles with a cardigan darning, a chair seat fixed and a torn dress pocket restored to functional use. David Rawson worked away with fixes of a walker, coffee pot and vacuum filter but is waiting for some jewellery parts to complete another job. There was again great feedback from the punters – and a fabulous team effort from Rotarians and our ever-growing team of volunteers. The final Café for 2024 is at the Bakewell Methodist Church Hall on Saturday 30th November from 10am to 1pm. More details from coordinator, Margie Stuckey on 01629 813638.


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