On Thursday 9th January, when the snow was deep and crisp and even, members of Matlock Luncheon Club ventured out to the Peak Edge Hotel.
Our speakers this month were Stuart and Barbara Marriott who told us about their charity, The Rwanyana Community Trust. The story began when they went to Uganda ten years ago as volunteers with VSO. One of the volunteers married Grace from the village of Rwanyana and they came to live in Sheffield. Grace wanted to help the members of her remote mountain village whose lives depend on subsistence farming; along with Stuart and Barbara, a trust was formed. Grace believed education was the place to start and with the help of friends and associates, the Trust was able to raise money to build a nursery school in the village. This was the beginning of a commitment that has seen the building of a school, a hostel for children rescued from poverty, a clinic, a family planning unit and a shelter for meetings of the elderly villagers which also supports children with special needs.
Stuart and Barbara first visited in 2014 and have returned regularly since. They have been delighted to see the difference the charity has made to the people of the district. We saw videos of the children dancing and singing, the nurse, Brenda seeing patients in the clinic, children from the hostel doing their daily tasks and most importantly, smiling faces everywhere.
As there is no electricity in the village, the Trust has been able to supply solar panels. The video of villagers learning how to turn on a light was very moving. What a lot we take for granted.
It is a difficult journey to reach Rwanyana as the roads are basic and climate change is affecting the landscape. Stuart and Barbara are setting off next month for what could be their final visit. They will take with them our warm wishes and admiration.
To find out more, please visit www. rwanyanacommunity trust.com