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Past Chairman, Mr Clive Robinson hands over the Chairmanship to Mr. Roger Flint
Past Chairman, Mr Clive Robinson hands over the Chairmanship to Mr. Roger Flint

At the January meeting of Matlock Probus Club the members were welcomed by the Chairman, Mr. Clive Robinson. The Annual General Meeting then took place in which various items were discussed, followed by the appointment of our new Chairman, Mr Roger Flint, and the voting in en bloc of our Committee. Our new Vice Chairman will be Mr. Tony Pyner.

It was announced that the Chairman’s Charity collection over the year resulted in £153 which will be donated to the Jigsaw Food Bank in Matlock.

A list of Speakers for 2025 was read out – some very interesting talks ranging from Stone Wallers in Derbyshire to the restoration of Haddon Hall during the time of the 9th Duke of Rutland.

The meeting then took part in a quiz which was put together by one of our members, Mrs Christine Robinson.

We would be happy to welcome you if you would like to join our group of retired men and women. We meet at the Duke William Pub on Church Street, Matlock Green on the first Thursday of the month at 10.30am.

For further information please contact our Treasurer, Mr Nigel Carabine on 01629 823581.

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