Ashover Parish Hall Saturday 1st February, at 10am

The EM Gauge Society a fine scale nationwide model railway society is holding its AGM and Members' Day at Ashover Parish Hall on Saturday 1st February, stating at 10.00am. The day is also open to non-members.
There will be three layouts, including 'Ashgate', closely based on and depicting aspects of the narrow gauge Ashover Light Railway, which linked the village with Clay Cross for 25 years in the first half of the twentieth century. Built using former War Department equipment at the close of the Great War to transport mainly minerals, it also ran a limited passenger service.
There will also be trade stands and members demonstrating various modelling skills. Teas and coffees will be available to buy.
The AGM will commence at 2.00pm and is open to EMGS members only. The event will close at 4.30pm.