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Back in 2020, the Bakewell u3a Craft Group was looking for a new project. They'd made a set of kneelers in cross stitch for the chapel at Haddon Hall, they'd sent quantities of discrete but pretty sanitary pouches to girls in Nicaragua, the Medway Centre displays their Portrait of Bakewell in its main hall, their wall hanging features in the Parish Church. What next?

Gill Roberts, who leads the group, came up with the idea of a Bakewell TimeLine, tracing in needlework the history of our town from prehistoric times right up to the present day.

The next step was for Sue Hudson to produce a series of drawings for 28 large framed panels. Then more than thirty embroiderers from Bu3a, some experienced but others complete beginners, set to work with a palette of crewel wool on unbleached linen that had been carefully stabilised on frames made for the purpose by Alan Reeves.

The results of this four year project, now proudly framed thanks to the great generosity of The Reverend Robert Parker, will be on display for all to see at the Bakewell Tourist Information Centre from Saturday 15th February until Saturday 15th March before being relocated as four smaller groups across the town's tourist hotspots to form a Town Trail.

Gill is rightly proud of this demonstration of community spirit. Some of the stitchers managed only a small contribution, others worked two or three panels single-handed, Jane Martin stitched hers right to the end of her struggle with illness. Three members of the town council, along with many other generous sponsors supported the project through the Local Projects Fund. Businesses and individuals like Mark Twelves of Litton Properties and his father Andrew Twelves have given vital funds to make the project possible, and Judith Twigg procured a £200 grant through the MCLS scheme. And all the time Nicola Hilton was there to help with technical embroidery problems and encouragement.

Gill hopes you will call in at the Information Centre for this opportunity to see all the beautiful panels together in one space. News about the group's next project will be available on the Bu3a website – just go to Bakewell u3a, where you can also find information about all the other interest groups and activities avaialable to Bu3a members.

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