Come to Baslow Village Hall for Baslow Players’ pantomime of Alice in Wonderland, 6-15 February (7 performances including 2 Saturday matinees and 1 meal night).
Attendees at previous Baslow Pantomime are already trained to appreciate whimsy, surreal plot lines, malfunction of the set and/or choreographic non-uniformity. But this is ‘Alice’, some say the original whimsy, the trend setter for nonsense creatures,* fantastic places where to find them, and the inspiration for our bought-in script (by Tom Whalley) which is panto-accurate** to the original text.
Rehearsals have been a hive of industry full of floral creations, playing cards and flamingo husbandry. It doesn’t seem like a year since Woke Beauty: Pantomime & Prejudice which was loved by women and children, but left middle-aged men dazed and confused, one of whom enjoyed (yes, we’ll use that word) a 2h discussion with their neighbours interpreting 2 difference performances (true story).
So, some top tips . . the secret of enjoying this genre is not to ask questions. Accept the absurdity, and allow yourself to be swept along right onto the stage during audience participation, and, dare we mention it, all the way into the cast or crew for next year (we are actively recruiting).
Tickets are available from Baslow Spar, Maxwell’s Bookshop in Bakewell, and ticketsource.co. uk/baslow-players
And remember, if it doesn’t make sense, we’re doing it right! And while you’re at it, think how you would stage shrinking and growing at Baslow Village Hall without CGI, trap door or millions of pounds. See you there!
* except for legends like Big Foot
** nonsense term