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The 52nd AGM of Castleton Historical Society took place in the Village Hall on 16 January. Chairing the meeting, Maria Kenyon reported on a busy and eventful year despite a prolonged closure of the Visitor Centre and Museum following serious flooding. The talks programme had been very well attended and covered a wide range of topics. A particular highlight was the visit to Sheffield General Cemetery, with excellent guiding and very welcome tea on a beautiful summer evening.

A full programme of talks is in place for 2025 (details on www. uk) to which everyone is invited.

The new temporary display case has been used well, with 5 different topics exploring unusual aspects of Castleton life over the years. Two new initiatives – an event for Castleton School pupils and a dressing up corner for visiting families with young children – added to activities in the Museum and will hopefully continue in future.

Archaeology on the Spital Mill building field had revealed very interesting water management structures and the possible remains of an earlier mill. The work will continue this year although sadly, it may mark the last year of Sheffield University’s longstanding involvement with Castleton as the University has lost its Department of Archaeology.

The Society also worked alongside the Peak District Heritage Team on an excellent Family Archaeology Weekend held in the Visitor Centre during the summer.

Maria ended by reminding members that the future of the Visitor Centre (and thereby the Museum and extensive archive) remained unclear and hoped that discussions to be held in the near future would clarify the situation. The meeting closed with a toast to the next 52 years “come what may” and was followed by a delicious meal from Jo’s Pantry and slide show.

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